

As we navigate through our daily lives during a very real pandemic situation, Pam and I find ourselves grateful for simple things. We are working everyday from our home and studio and we are re  connecting with so many friends, family and students on an almost daily basis. The online ‘Art Circle’ painting and critique groups that we are holding weekly, are continuing to provide us with a sense of normalcy. I can assure you that the Art Spirit is alive and well. Since we began the groups 8 weeks ago, approximately 235 new paintings have been created by these spirited artists!

We have also been connecting weekly with our 6 grown children who live all over the country. Zoom meetings are here to stay, that’s for sure. We have spent more personal time with them online during these last 8 weeks, than we have been able to, when we are all so busy with crazy schedules. Even the spirited way that artists, musicians and some television shows are connecting with us during this time are quite fascinating. For instance, watching Jimmy Fallon do his tonight show from his home, with his wife Nancy as cameraman and his two young daughters included in the show, brings us a glimpse of the personal side of the late night host and quite frankly it’s pretty refreshing.

He is interviewing his guests as they shelter in their homes. Both the interviews and live musical performances, which are being done on zoom, have been awesome and intimate. Recently, being brought into the living room of singer/songwriter, James Taylor, while he sang ‘You Can Close Your Eyes’ with his wife and son singing harmony, was both mesmerizing and touching.

This kind of rethinking during this unprecedented time is part of what makes us all unique and yet it shows us that we are all in this together and we can get through it together. We’ve all had to take a step back from our lives that are constantly on the go. I think we are all seeing how important it really is to be connected with family, friends and loved ones.

We are trying to find the good in all of this. After all we can’t change the situation, but we have control over how we react to it. We are grateful for our blessings amid the difficulties. Thank you all for being part of our life. We wish you a safe journey through this time and please stay safe!

Warm Regards,
David & Pam

Watch James Taylor and his family sing 'You Can Close Your Eyes' CLICK HERE

The Seed of A Grand Idea

The Seed Of A Grand Idea

I've been thinking a lot about John Singer Sargent recently. While browsing through the collection of Sargent's work on the Museum of Fine Art, Boston MA, website; I came across this little drawing done by the masters hand.

This sketch, a quick doodle really, stands out in stark contrast against the many detailed drawings and sketches in the collection. Most of the drawings in the collection are studies for the Murals at the Boston Public Library that Sargent was commissioned for in 1856. It took Sargent 29 years to complete his 'Triumph of Religion' murals.

The Pen & Ink sketch is titled Sketch for Carnation Lily Lily Rose. It truly is the very seed of a grand idea. The completed oil painting is 5' 9" x 5' 1" and is in the collection of the Tate. I've posted an image of the painting at the top of this newsletter. After seeing this humble beginning of a masterpiece, I went to the Tate website and found this quick sketch which is a letter from Sargent to his sister Emily Sargent, with a compositional idea for Carnation Lily Lily Rose and also in the MFA collection.

Seeing these images got me asking the question: How often do people have ideas for big projects, whether it be for paintings or anything else, that never make it beyond this initial idea stage?

Sargent was struck with an idea and immediately, however vague the result, started to scribble it down on paper. It makes me think of what my parents used to say to me when I was tackling hard projects in school, 'The longest journey begins with a single step'. That first step is key. Then another step and then another. If we try to see it all completed before we have really begun, it can be overwhelming. Another way I have learned to look at projects is to imagine that all the steps that make up the project from start to finish have a weight of 10 lbs to them. Now imagine that a project with 12 steps weighs 120 lbs. Thinking about carrying all that weight at once is undoable. But thinking about and actually doing each step one at a time, means that you are carrying only 10lbs of weight at a time. Each time you complete a step, it no longer has any weight. A completed project has zero weight to it!

I'm working on a commission for a collector right now, and seeing Sargent's sketches has reconfirmed to me that an idea is a start and the simplest beginnings can become great achievements. I'm also working on a project involving online tutorials and some video work that will allow me to share my knowledge and passion of more than 30 years of painting, with everyone who is interested and wants to have a look. There are so many  ideas that I can't wait to put together and share. I've spent a lot of time doodling and making sketches for my commission and I'm now in the 'finished' sketch phase. I've also been jotting down note after note for my online tutorial project since last October and slowly it's all starting to come together...step by step by step :)

If you want to view the collection of Sargent's work at the MFA and see more images of studies and sketches for Carnation Lily Lily Rose, as well as a very nice explanation of how the painting all came about, here are some links. 

More about Carnation Lily Lily Rose here.  The Sargent Collection at the MFA here.

Warm Regards,
David & Pam

All My Life's A Circle

All My Life's A Circle

Thank you everyone for your interest in and support of our art journey. You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this unprecedented historic time.

Pam and I are being responsible and practicing physical social isolation. With the present public health concerns, it's the civic thing to do. The New Hampshire Governor has implemented a stay at home order. But that doesn't mean we are living in fear and that we don't have hope. It simply means we are thinking about the health of others as well as ourselves as this situation unfolds. This is new territory for all of us.

New experiences can be good. In fact it's changing how we are presently thinking about our day to day plans and what that means moving forward. Just a few weeks ago, there were 10 of us artists painting in my studio, as part of our 'Art Circle' painting and critique group. We have postponed getting together physically, yet we saw an opportunity in this to keep the group together online. At a time like this, we adjust and we think it's important to keep painting and to keep finding inspiration and hope. 

Our Art Circle Seacoast group is getting together weekly for critiques on the zoom app, which is free for our participants and easily downloadable in the app store and google play. We also have a private FaceBook page, where we can all post comments and photos. On Wednesdays, I give a thorough critique on each painting and offer ideas for improvements. Group members can offer other feedback and together we share a continued sense of community. I'm also making new mini lesson demo videos each week to share with the group. 

We are now offering two more Art Circle options and we're excited to share them with you. No matter where you live, you can now become a part of our online community of artists who paint independently during the week and meet online through Zoom and FaceBook for critiques, camaraderie and inspiration. We will also be including the weekly mini lesson videos.The Zoom app is surprisingly effective at simulating a real life get together!

David Lussier's ART CIRCLE TOO is now forming and will meet Thursday's starting on April 9th. ART CIRCLE EVENINGS is also forming and will meet Wednesday evenings starting on April 8th. For more information and details about these online groups Click Here

We will be updating our scheduled activities and workshops and sending out a newsletter with that information soon. Please be safe and well.

Warm Regards,
David & Pam

P.S.  The late great HARRY CHAPIN wrote the song 'All My Life's A Circle' Do you know it?